Build Your Own Practice – Sheet 3 The Earth Sequence
We practiced the Earth Sequence for a few weeks last term and all felt ourselves moving slower and slower as we moved through its beautiful movements. Here's hoping we can practice this outside together very soon, but in the meantime, keep it fresh in your mind by practicing it outside whenever you can!
It is brilliant for releasing stress and keeping you grounded during those super-busy times, and also improves balance, mobilises all the main joints, releases the shoulders, spine & hips, and strengthens the legs & back.
Giving Thanks:
Stand in Tadasana with your palms gently pressing together at your heart in Anjali mudra. Bend & gently place your hands on the earth, giving thanks for the life that the Earth gives us. Lower your hands to your pelvis, middle fingers just touching.
Hand Movements:
Inhale - draw hands up to throat
Exhale – turns palms down, and push gently down to pelvis, softening knees
Inhale – turn palms outwards and extend hands up out in front, then overhead
Exhale – let palms face outwards and float down to the hips once again, softly bending the knees as the hands lower. Imagine a shower of light, strength or peace (or whatever else you may need) showering down over you.
This is 1 round
The Earth Sequence repeats this simple hand movement and breathing pattern for 5 rounds in 5 different positions. Coordinating the hands with the breath ensures we keep our movements slow and mindful.
Complete 5 rounds in TadasanaComplete 5 rounds lowering into a squat
Complete 5 rounds in a wide-legged forward bend*
Complete 5 rounds while lunging to the right**
Complete 5 rounds while lunging to the left
* take your feet 2-3 shoulder widths apart. If you have any trouble with your lower back, keep knees soft as you lean forwards and lift the hands overhead
**Turn your right foot out to the right & turn your body to face over the right leg. As you push your hands down, bend the front knee and lean forward slightly. Your hands should head towards the knee, not the foot or floor. As you inhale, straighten the right leg and lift the hands up in front. Exhale and open your arms out to each side as before.
Symbol of Unity Mudra:
Finish by making rings with your thumbs & forefingers and then interlock them. Place the tips of your remaining 3 fingers together, middle to middle, ring to ring, etc and hold in front of your heart. Spend a few moments standing still, feeling your connection with the earth.
We practiced the Earth Sequence for a few weeks last term and all felt ourselves moving slower and slower as we moved through its beautiful movements. Here's hoping we can practice this outside together very soon, but in the meantime, keep it fresh in your mind by practicing it outside whenever you can!
It is brilliant for releasing stress and keeping you grounded during those super-busy times, and also improves balance, mobilises all the main joints, releases the shoulders, spine & hips, and strengthens the legs & back.
Giving Thanks:
Stand in Tadasana with your palms gently pressing together at your heart in Anjali mudra. Bend & gently place your hands on the earth, giving thanks for the life that the Earth gives us. Lower your hands to your pelvis, middle fingers just touching.
Hand Movements:
Inhale - draw hands up to throat
Exhale – turns palms down, and push gently down to pelvis, softening knees
Inhale – turn palms outwards and extend hands up out in front, then overhead
Exhale – let palms face outwards and float down to the hips once again, softly bending the knees as the hands lower. Imagine a shower of light, strength or peace (or whatever else you may need) showering down over you.
This is 1 round
The Earth Sequence repeats this simple hand movement and breathing pattern for 5 rounds in 5 different positions. Coordinating the hands with the breath ensures we keep our movements slow and mindful.
Complete 5 rounds in TadasanaComplete 5 rounds lowering into a squat
Complete 5 rounds in a wide-legged forward bend*
Complete 5 rounds while lunging to the right**
Complete 5 rounds while lunging to the left
* take your feet 2-3 shoulder widths apart. If you have any trouble with your lower back, keep knees soft as you lean forwards and lift the hands overhead
**Turn your right foot out to the right & turn your body to face over the right leg. As you push your hands down, bend the front knee and lean forward slightly. Your hands should head towards the knee, not the foot or floor. As you inhale, straighten the right leg and lift the hands up in front. Exhale and open your arms out to each side as before.
Symbol of Unity Mudra:
Finish by making rings with your thumbs & forefingers and then interlock them. Place the tips of your remaining 3 fingers together, middle to middle, ring to ring, etc and hold in front of your heart. Spend a few moments standing still, feeling your connection with the earth.